BW软管泵的基本结构<br />
往复泵由动力段和液力端两大部分组成。<br />
动力端的功能,是将动力机的回转运动转变为活塞(或柱塞)的直线往复运动。它包括传动离合装置、变速减速装置和曲柄连杆。它们的相互位置与安排决定着泵的总体结构型式,决定着泵的驱动方案及结构方案的选择。动力端的主要零部件包括皮带轮,离合器曲轴箱体及其中的传动轴,齿轮副,曲轴,连杆及十字头滑块。<br />!
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司占地40余亩,建筑面积12000平方米,拥有员工100多人,技术人员30余名。现代化 北京滑模机加工生产设备齐全,技术力量雄厚;地理位置优越,交通便利。拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,多年来一直坚持质量为本、诚实守信的处世原则,用实力和 北京滑模机产品质量获得了业界的一致好评。
Industrial hose pump stainless steel gear pump, can transport non-lubricant beverages with low corrosive liquids, with copper gears can transport gasoline, benzene and other low internal point liquids. Due to the poor self-priming ability of the gear pump, it is generally caused by the large gap between the pump cavity of the gear pump. At the same time, if there is no "check valve" at the output of the gear pump, it must be a check valve or control valve of the next gear pump. After moving and fixing, the surrounding staff can resume surgery.